Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Getting Music Heard Through Video? A Brave New World...

My main interest with the album "If It's Too Loud, You're Too Old" is to offer parents and kids the opportunity to enjoy music together. The songs were written by me and my kids together, and it seems like families are having fun listening to the songs together too - which is fantastic - when that happens, that's my definition of "success".

I'm a bit surprised to hear that many people found the song "Garbage Truck" through the cheesy little "video" I put together for it, so what the heck - let's do more of those, shall we? 

I put this clip together for "Choo Choo Train", a song that was primarily written by a six-year-old. It's the first track on the album. I have found that the only thing kids like to see more than trains, are trains smashing together - so here ye go kids! The video content may not be terribly original, but it makes me giggle - and that's basically my other bellwether of success.